• 3rd Floor Maharajgunj Plaza Road, Kathmandu 10378, Nepal

Age No Longer Limits Parenthood With IVF

 IVF treatment in Kathmandu, Nepal at Angel Fertility Clinic

With the passing of age, it becomes hard to think about settling down and starting a family. This is a problem for lots of people and couples. What if we told you that age no longer stops you from becoming a parent? This transformation has happened due to the success of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technologies where older couples have the freedom to manage their fertility and be parents.

For childless couples undergoing infertility treatment, here in Kathmandu at Angel Fertility Clinic, we realize the pain and emotional and financial costs of seeking to be fertile. We aim to give hope to those wishing to have a child through our IVF treatments.

The Reality of Age and Fertility

There is this common belief that women over 35 years of age cannot have babies and men over 40 also cannot have a child. This, however, is wrong. Age plays a factor in a couple's ability to have children, but it does not make the conception of a child impossible. Whereas, in females, at the age of 35 years, eggs start decreasing in number as well as quality begins to decline. As males age increases, sperm counts may become affected and their motility can be reduced. Indeed these changes may make it comparatively more difficult to conceive but techniques of IVF have been developed to help them with this problem.

How IVF Breaks the Age Barrier

IVF has revolutionized the way we look at fertility. In IVF, the eggs and the sperm are brought together in a laboratory to form embryos, which are then implanted into the woman's uterus. This enhances the chances of conceiving a child, while for the doctors, it alleviates age-related difficulties.

Older women who are unable to conceive are often recommended egg donating to undergo IVF. Eggs from younger women are of better quality, which transforms itself into higher success for pregnancies. This enables older women to be potential mothers, although their own eggs may not be of premium quality anymore.

Several different techniques can assist men in fathering a child, two of these techniques are sperm donation or ICSI otherwise known as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. These are all age-related sperm problems which would, regardless of age, make it impossible for men to father a child.

One of the Success Stories from Angel Fertility Clinic

“I had an amazing experience at Angel Fertility Center. The team was highly skilled, supportive, and caring. Embryologist Preeti's expertise and kind nature stood out, as did Dr. Rashmi's confidence and knowledge. Thanks to their efforts, I achieved my dream of starting a family. Highly recommended!” Sheetal Subba

Genetic Testing: Healthy Pregnancies Guaranteed

One of the key issues connected with advanced maternal age is genetic disorders, including Down Syndrome. The progress of generative biology enables us to learn how to have a normal pregnancy even in later stages of life.

That said, in Angel Fertility Clinic, we do PGT or Preimplantation Genetic Testing, a medical procedure of embryo screening to scan genetic disorders before they could get inside the uterus. It ensures achieving better results or healthier conceptions especially by women of advanced age.

The Role of Moral Support

Late pregnancy and fertility treatments can be very stressful. The couples may feel harassed or depressed, but a supportive team can make a difference. At Angel Fertility Clinic, we understand these emotions and are here for you at every step.

Besides the excellent medical care, we also offer counseling and support regarding the emotional issues associated with IVF to make you feel supported during the procedure.

Why Choose an Angel Fertility Clinic?

At Angel Fertility Clinic, we are one of the pioneering fertility centers in Nepal offering personalized care and advanced treatment options to people of all ages. Our experienced team uses advanced technology to help you realize your dream of parenthood.

We believe that everyone has the right to become a parent, and hence we offer a variety of solutions such as IVF, egg and sperm donation, genetic testing, and many more.


While age can affect fertility, with the help of IVF and advanced reproductive medicine, older couples now have options to become parents. At Angel Fertility Clinic, we're here to support you through every step of the process.

If you’re an older couple considering IVF, contact us for a consultation. Let us help make your dream of parenthood a reality.


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